Spain: A volcano erupted after a week of seismic activity on the Spanish island of La Palma in the Atlantic Ocean. Following which, the authorities had to hurriedly evacuate thousands of people there.
The lava flow destroyed many homes and is in danger of reaching the coast. Earlier this volcano erupted in 1971 in the Kumbre Viej mountain range.
There were many earthquake tremors here for several days before the volcano erupted. The authorities immediately evacuated more than a thousand people from there.
Spain’s Civil Guard force says 10,000 people may have to be evacuated.
La Palma, with a population of 85,000, is one of eight volcanic islands in the Canary Islands of Spain, off the west coast of Africa.
There was a 4.2 magnitude earthquake here before the volcano erupted. Lava has reached the houses.
La Palma President Mariano Hernanandeh said no casualties were reported but lava flows raised concerns about populated areas along the coast.
Itahija Dominguez, head of Spain’s National Geology Institute, said it was difficult to say how long the volcanic eruption would last, but last time it was for several three weeks.