Unemployment rate declines in India, down to 6.8 per cent in January-March quarter
To remove unemployment, the central and state governments together have taken many…
Rozgar Mela: PM Modi to distribute over 70 thousand appointment letters to new recruits to various Central Govt departments
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will distribute about 71 thousand appointment letters under…
Uttarakhand: UKPSC not confirmed AE-JE recruitment, waiting for UKSSSC calendar
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has not yet been able to take…
Dehradun: Unemployed youth protesters entered DM office
Uttarakhand Berojgar Sangh (Unemployed Union) has called for state bandh on Friday…
Uttarakhand: 603 candidates out from PCS recruitment process, main exam held from Feb 23 to 26
Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has excluded 603 candidates from recruitment process…
Uttarakhand: Group-C 463 posts withdrawn by Rec Dept before recruitment
There is sad news for the unemployed amid the Group-C recruitment drive…
Uttarakhand Jobs: STF clearance for Police Constable & Forest Guard exam, read this
STF has cleared the recruitment of police constable and forest guard of…
Uttarakhand: Women get 30% reservation in govt jobs, Governor approved
Women's Reservation Bill of Uttarakhand has got the approval of the Governor…
Uttarakhand: High Court challenges appointments of Vice Chancellors, complaint reaches Raj Bhavan
Like teachers recruitment on the basis of invalid and fake certificates in…
Haridwar: Uttarakhand Migration by unemployment, commission submitted report to govt
Not only the hilly districts of Uttarakhand but also the plains are…
Uttarakhand: SSSC will blacklist candidates accused of paper leak from examinations, 400 already marked
Uttarakhand Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UKSSSC) will blacklist the candidates accused of…
Uttarakhand: SSS Board ready to recruit 1564 nursing posts
Recruitment of Nursing posts in the Health Department is going to be…
Uttarakhand: Vigilance investigate Inspector recruitment scam, sought list of direct recruitment in 2015
New Delhi: Vigilance has sought the list of Uttarakhand direct recruitment inspector…
UKPSC: Uttarakhand Forest Officer Main exam date by Dec 26, schedule here
Uttarakhand Forest Officer Main Exam date will be held from 26 December…
Uttarakhand jobs: 4000 outsource class IV employees recruitment in schools
Uttarakhand Jobs: Four thousand posts of class IV employees will be recruited…
Uttarakhand Jobs: Group-C recruitment for 445 posts in 71 departments
Uttarakhand Jobs: Advertisement issued for the recruitment, along with the number of…
Uttarakhand Roadways: Preparation to make contract workers permanent after 24 years
Contract driver-conductors, who have been serving for decades in Uttarakhand Roadways, are…
12 Group C recruitment exams in Uttarakhand soon, UKPSC released calendar
Dehradun: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released the calendar of 12…
UKPSC Recruitment: 3632 Patwari, Lekhpal, Sepoy, Forest Guard in Uttarakhand
Dehradun: Uttarakhand Public Service Commission (UKPSC) has released recruitment of 3632 posts…
Ad-hoc workers gone permanent in Delhi, when they can be permanent in Delhi, why not in other states?
New Delhi: Taking a big decision, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has…