Delhi: CM Arvind Kejriwal has once again made a big announcement regarding Punjab Assembly elections 2022. During press conference from Delhi, he announced 300 units of electricity free and waiving old outstanding bills in Punjab.
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He said, “As soon as our government is formed in Punjab, up to 300 units of electricity will be free from the first pen. With this, the old domestic bill will be waived, but it will take us 3-4 years to provide 24 hours electricity.”
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Delhi CM said, “Almost the most expensive electricity in the whole country is available in Punjab, while electricity is produced in Punjab, yet why is the most expensive electricity available in Punjab? Because there is a dirty nexus between the power company and the government power of Punjab.”
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Significantly, the Captain Amarinder Singh government of Punjab has already promised 200 units of free electricity. After which Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal had also promised to provide 200 units of electricity free of cost after winning the recent Punjab elections.
CM Arvind Kejriwal has now increased from 200 units to 300 units of electricity. Along with this, the announcement of waiving the old outstanding electricity bills has also been added to it.