Washington: Lockdown due to the global epidemic of Coronavirus in America gets some relief. So far, more than 11,00,000 people have been infected by the deadly epidemic in the country. During the last 24 hours, 1,883 people have died in the country.
America has the highest number of people dying of this infectious disease than any country in the world.
Meanwhile, several states in the country stepped up in the direction of opening their economies and recovering from losses, reopening restaurants, stores or other business institutions.
These states are working at their own pace and special way to ensure that the corona virus is not returned.
In Louisiana, people can dine in the restaurant again, but they will have to sit at tables 10–10 feet outside. They will not get the facility of waiter.
Residents in Maine can attend church prayers while sitting in their car. A mall in Nebraska is reopened with plexi glass blockers and hand sanitizing stations but the number of buyers will be small.
Many residents said they felt as if they had got out of jail. With the Coronavirus crisis stabilizing in many places in Europe and America, countries and states are gradually giving relief in the restrictions imposed by them.
Health experts warn that a second round of virus infection could be seen if the test is not increased during lockdown.