Cairo: Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak died (death) on Tuesday. He was 91 years old. An Egyptian TV channel gave this information. He had surgery a few weeks ago.
Hosni had ruled Egypt for nearly 30 years and had to relinquish power after a massive protest in 2011. He also had to stay in jail for several years after the rebellion.
However, in 2017, he was released after acquitting him in several cases. Hosni Mubarak’s successor, Mohammad Morsi, was democratically elected, but was ousted in 2013 following a military coup.
Two days ago, an Egyptian court acquitted Ala and Gamal Mubarak, the sons of former Egypt President, in a stock exchange scam case. Now, it will be harder to face ahead circumstances after Hosni Mubarak death.
He faced charges of violating the country’s stock exchange market and the rules of Central Bank of Egypt. Hosni remained in power for nearly 30 years and thus led the Arab world’s most populous country.
No one perhaps thought that after the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981, Hosni Mubarak, the lesser-known name of the vice-president, would be assigned the post of Egypt president and he would hold the command of the country for so many years.