Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami hoisted the flag on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of Independence Day while participating in the program organized in the summer capital, Bharadisain, Gairsain assembly building complex.
On this occasion, Chief Minister Dhami announced the construction work of drinking water scheme for Gairsain city, construction of office and auditorium at Medicinal and Organic Plant Institute, University of Industrial and Forestry Mehlchauri Gairsain, improvement of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Park in Karnprayag.
CM Dhami while reverently remembering the fighters of the state of Uttarakhand who contributed in the freedom struggle said that this is an occasion to bow before the memory of the martyred soldiers of military and paramilitary forces who sacrificed everything for the country.
Uttarakhand’s CM said that Amrit Mahotsav being celebrated under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi ji is dedicated to all the great freedom fighters and martyr soldiers of our country.
Kedarnath Dham is being reconstructed as per the vision of PM Modi. Work is also being done on the master plan of Badrinath Dham. Work is going on fast on Rishikesh to Karnprayag rail line.
Connectivity is being strengthened by the Char Dham road project. The Prime Minister had said that Uttarakhand will be the third decade of the 21st century. So far this year, 30 lakh registered devotees have visited Chardham.
Speaker of the Assembly Ritu Khanduri Bhushan, Health Minister Dr. Dhan Singh Rawat, MLA Karnprayag Mr. Anil Nautiyal, Tharali MLA Mr. Bhopal Ram Tamta and other dignitaries were present on this occasion.
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