Even after 20 years, the jobs of teachers have not been confirmed in the Elementary Education Department. Even today the teachers are doing the job only in the probation period. When the matter reached the Information Commission through an RTI appeal, the negligence of the education department was exposed. State Information Commissioner Vipin Chandra has directed the department in the matter to start the process of confirmation of teachers as soon as the prescribed probation period is over.
In fact, Chamoli resident Dr. Jagdish Chandra was posted in the Education Department in the year 2003 through BTC. Jagdish Chandra had sought information from the Public Information Officer under the Right to Information Act regarding his appointment, probation period and confirmation, which was not made available. Jagdish Chandra appealed in the Chief Education Officer’s office, Chamoli. After this the matter reached the Information Commission.
On Thursday, State Information Commissioner Vipin Chandra pronounced the decision after hearing the Jagdish Chandra vs Public Information Officer Chamoli case. During this, it came to the notice of the Commission that the teachers who were appointed in the Elementary Education Department for the last 20-20 years have not been confirmed. On this slowness, the commission agreed that this situation defeats the very purpose of the provision of confirmation.
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The process of confirmation in government departments should be continuously ensured by the departments themselves. For this, the employees should not need to apply. He ordered the Public Information Officer and Departmental Appellate Authority of Chamoli to get all the pending cases of teachers confirmed in their district confirmed as soon as possible.
Chamoli is not only in the district but in the entire state. Therefore, taking cognizance of this, make sure to implement the process of confirmation by constituting the correct process of confirmation of teachers. There should be such a process, which happens automatically in the department. That is, the teacher should become permanent as soon as the probation period is over.